
The 通识教育课程 (GEP) at FSU supports the university’s mission to prepare future leaders to meet the challenges of a complex and changing global society by promoting the knowledge and 技能 you will need to be successful. The GEP complements your academic major by developing core 技能 and competencies that employers across all sectors routinely identify as critical for all new hires regardless of discipline and job function.


General Education courses at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 promote student learning outcomes across four broad learning goals in support of the FSU Undergraduate Institutional Learning Goals.

  • 核心技能
    你将精通阅读, 写作, 说话, 以及有效沟通所必需的倾听技巧. You also will develop quantitative literacy, technology literacy, and information literacy. 你会
    • demonstrate foundational 技能 in the comprehension and interpretation of information in written and oral forms;
    • 有效地沟通信息和想法;
    • understand and apply mathematical reasoning to solve quantitative problems and to 评估 quantitative information and arguments;
    • use technological resources as appropriate to access and communicate relevant information.
  • Liberal Knowledge and Skills of Inquiry, Critical Thinking, and Synthesis
    你会 develop the foundational 技能 necessary to acquire knowledge in the humanities, 自然科学, 社会科学, 还有艺术, 它们共同体现了人类的文化遗产. 你将学习批判性思维. 你会
    • demonstrate foundational abilities to apply different methods of inquiry from various perspectives and disciplines to gather information;
    • comprehend and use various fundamental research methods to 评估 information critically;
    • use problem-defining and problem-solving 技能 by synthesizing core concepts within and across disciplines;
    • demonstrate sustained intellectual curiosity through exploration of emerging issues.
  • 价值观与社会责任
    你会 develop the foundational 技能 necessary to critically explore, 评估, and define your values and become responsible citizens in a complex and changing society. 你会
    • 对其他文化和社会表现出尊重和宽容;
    • make personal judgments based on ethical considerations and societal values;
    • 展现公民责任和领导能力;
    • understand the purpose and value of community service in advancing society.
  • 文化身份鉴赏
    你会 gain insight into the ways cultural identities and experiences shape individual perspectives of the world and influence interactions with people from different backgrounds. 你会
    • 展示基础知识, 技能, and attitudes essential for communicating and cooperating effectively with people of diverse backgrounds;
    • 表现出对文化和社会权力行使的意识;
    • recognize and appreciate arguments supporting perspectives different from your own.


完成FSU的通识教育课程, you must complete a minimum of 40 credits across 13 courses in two broad categories. 查阅 本科目录 了解满足这些要求的具体课程.

  • 核心技能
    You must complete a minimum of 9 credit hours of coursework or credit by exam as follows.
    1. 入门作文(3小时)
    2. 高级写作(3小时)
    3. 数学(3-4小时)
  • 调查方式
    You must complete a minimum of 31 credit hours through the following 调查方式. You may not count more than one course or option where there are alternatives listed (as designated by OR) to meet 调查方式 requirements in Groups A, B, C, D, 和E. A particular course may be counted to meet only one General Education requirement.
    1. The Fine and Performing 艺术s – At least one course from the following (3 hours each)
      • 艺术
      • 跳舞
      • 音乐
      • 剧院
    2. 人文学科-至少选修以下两门课程(每门3小时)
      • 历史
      • 语言
      • 文学
      • 哲学
    3. The Natural Sciences – At least two courses from the following (3-4 hours each)
      • 生物学
      • 化学
      • 地理位置
      • 物理科学
      • 跨学科
    4. The Social Sciences – At least two courses from the following (3 hours each)
      • 经济学
      • 地理位置
      • 政治科学
      • 心理学
      • 社会学
    5. FSU座谈会-两节课程(每节3-4小时)
      • FSU第一年研讨会
      • Advanced FSU Colloquium or one additional 调查方式 course from groups A-D.
    6. Identity and Difference – One course from the approved list (3 hours each). 你必须满足所选课程列出的所有先决条件. 


FSU is committed to continuous improvement of the GEP through the process of assessment. Currently FSU assesses the GEP through six learning objectives that map back to the four GEP Learning Goals:

      1. 书面沟通——核心技能
      2. 口语交流——核心技能
      3. 定量推理——核心技能
      4. Critical Thinking - Liberal knowledge and 技能 of inquiry, critical thinking, and synthesis
      5. 价值观与社会责任
      6. 文化身份鉴赏

在每个评估周期, each objective is adopted by an academic department or program to be assessed based on a faculty-designed rubric. Assessment results and reports are available on the 通识教育课程 Review Canvas Course.


Based on assessment and national best practices for General Education and in alignment with FSU’s 战略计划, the GEP at FSU is being re-envisioned to provide a high-quality educational experience for today’s students focused on FSU’s mission and core values. This effort is being coordinated by the 通识教育课程 Review Committee, a faculty-led committee with broad representation from all three colleges, 图书馆, 学生会协会, 以及学生支持办公室. We have completed two major milestones and are in the process of finalizing new learning goals and outcomes to inform the curricular design phase.

      1. 收集和共享信息(完整)
      2. 明确使命、愿景和价值观(完成)
      3. 确定学习目标和成果(完整)
      4. 课程设计(2022)

More information on our progress is available on the 通识教育课程 Review Canvas Course.